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- From: amoon <amoon@ergonomica.com>
- Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports
- Subject: Re: ID-iot! Was: (Re: http://www.id4.com)
- Date: Wed, 19 Jun 1996 11:21:00 -0700
- Organization: Ergonomica
- Lines: 31
- Message-ID: <31C8450C.109D@ergonomica.com>
- References: <info-1806961529150001@neptune34.hkstar.com> <31C80B96.6D9E@ergonomica.com> <4q98s5$og4@news.internetmci.com>
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- CC: ed draper <ergo1@ergonomica.com>
- stlnchld@ix.netcom.com wrote:
- >
- > amoon <amoon@ergonomica.com> wrote:
- >
- > >Such entertainments feed the public's irrational, xenophobic, specist fears. (snip)
- > > such defamatory
- > >fantasies cause great harm. (snip) it is critically
- > >important that we humans begin to learn how to have a civil relationship with
- > >non-earth cultures. (snip)
- >
- > (snip) Why a cover-up if these aliens you'd like to
- > kiss ass with are so benevolent? Because they aren't benevolent, they
- > aren't here to (snip) abolish
- > violent behavior. If they were (snip)
- > they'd circumvent our government in a gnats ass half second, proving
- > and showing themself. (snip)
- There is a cover-up because there are millions like you who will react
- hysterically and violently to something they don't even attempt to
- understand. Your post is a perfect example of the problem.
- >So, you
- > go ahead and have your "civil relationship" with the "non-earth
- > cultures". (snip)
- Thanks, I will.
- --
- Chris Alexander
- Founder, Extraterrestrial Anti-Defamation Organization (ETADO)
- <http://www.ergonomica.com/amoon/ETADO.html>